Asymmetric Working Week
At Monkton Priory C.P. School we adopted the Asymmetric week in September 2021 after consultation with parents, pupils, GB and LA. The school extended its working days from Monday to Thursday and then focussed on supporting well-being of families, pupils and staff by finishing at midday on a Friday. Pupils are able to take a hot meal home with them on finishing school at 12pm, or they can stay for dinner and be picked up at 1pm. All pupils also have the option to access the Friday enrichment provision from 1pm to 2.59pm. In this session pupils have the option to work on a digital, physical or creative task throughout the afternoon with their friends supported by caring and attentive staff as well as enjoying recreational time within the school grounds. Staff participate in training on alternate Fridays. As many of the schools in the Pembroke Family also run an Asymmetric week, it allows for collaboration with neighbouring primary schools and the Pembroke Secondary School as well as allowing opportunities for all staff to get together in school or travel across the LA or Wales to be part of innovative and purposeful training.Â
Over the last two and a half years, staff have been able to access much needed training and development days on the Curriculum for Wales, ALN Reform as well as implementing whole school priorities focussing on raising standards and supporting well-being. Each new school year will see staff participate in at least eighteen meaningful and purposeful training sessions on top of INSET days and staff meetings. This work empowers staff at Monkton Priory to be the best that they can be in order to seek to raise standards for all of our learners. Recent findings from a whole school survey with parents and pupils (March 24) saw over 80% of those that responded on whether they would wish the Asymmetric week to continue, stating yes. At present there is a concern around attendance on a Friday being lower than the rest of the week. The SLT and FEO are working hard with families to address this and have arranged meetings to support those families persistently non-attending.