Dosbarth 7

Class 7 is our LRC2.  A Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a classroom based within a mainstream school providing education for pupils with complex needs.

LRCs provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum that is highly differentiated in order to support them in achieving their full potential.  LRCs are attached to mainstream schools giving pupils the opportunity to be part of mainstream activities and lessons and to socialise with their peers whilst their individual needs are supported and met.

An LRC is suitable for pupils with complex learning needs.  When considering whether a young person is suitable for a placement, professionals will consider a range of criteria. Part of the criteria will be the students’ cognitive ability and their scores on standardised testing, as well as individual pupil profiles of needs.

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Mrs Kelly and Mrs Regelous are the Class teachers, and Mrs Williams and Mr Johns are the LSAs.  We prioritise creating a calm, welcoming and stimulating environment for our learners to promote them feeling safe and secure, with a focus on the children feeling regulated and ready to learn. We embody a Trauma Informed Approach and support each pupil according to their individual needs.

We learn through topics, within the framework of the Curriculum for Wales, learning through play and authentic experiences to develop life skills.  Learning opportunities are planned across the six Areas of Learning Experiences with The Four Core Purposes at the heart of everything.  Digital Competency features within the curriculum.

We consider outdoor learning, play and connection with nature a crucial part of every child’s development so we use the outdoor learning environment whenever possible to encourage the children to investigate the natural world around them. We have our own outdoor garden where we grow flowers and vegetables every year. We work to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing through outdoor learning, PE and a shared snack time daily.

We also take part in outdoor learning off site, with regular visits to the beach, woods and local places of interest. The children learn through structured activities in the open air, allowing them to develop their independence, resilience and well-being.

This year our PE lessons will be on a Thursday morning, please ensure that your child brings their PE kit each week.  Swimming lessons take place in the Autumn term on a Wednesday afternoon, where the pupils will integrate with their mainstream peers with support from LRC staff. Please ensure children have their swimming kit.