Dosbarth Glas

My name is Miss Jelley and I am the  Year 2 class teacher. I work alongside Miss Jenkins and Miss Price, together we strive to provide a happy and caring environment where children can be encouraged to reach their full potential.

Learners enjoy a varied curriculum based on topics that the pupils have been involved in choosing and planning. Learning opportunities are planned across the six Areas of Learning and Experience, with The Four Core Purposes at the heart of everything.  ICT features heavily within the curriculum and the outdoors is used whenever possible to develop the children’s learning.


Physical Education

Our dedicated P.E. sessions will take place on a Wednesday, please could children wear appropriate clothing as some of these sessions will be outside. Swimming will take place on a Wednesday during the Summer Term.


Reading is an essential skill that enables learners to build their vocabulary, improve understanding and enhances creativity in oracy and writing tasks.  Reading tasks and opportunities and provided throughout the day in a variety of different ways, including individual reading, reciprocal reading, Empathy reads and online research/reading tasks.  Learners should read every night, even if it is not their school reading book.  Learners can also access their online IDL account to further support reading, comprehension and spelling.

Outdoor Learning

In Dosbarth Glas we enjoy learning in the outdoors. Learners take part in 'Muddy Monday' where we make full use of our wonderful school grounds. Children are encouraged to bring wellies/old trainers and old clothes or wet weather clothing for these session, this can be kept in school.