
At Monkton Priory C.P. School we take a bilingual approach to the teaching of Welsh as a second language. At present there are 0 pupils that speak Welsh at home. We take every opportunity to tackle the development of language across both phases of the school. Pupils check in bilingually each morning as a focus on pupil's​ well-being. There are bilingual signs and wall displays throughout the school. There are focused Welsh language sessions that are appropriate to the learners ability throughout the day as part of planning for the New Curriculum. 

 A Welsh assembly is held weekly on 'Cynefin' and 'Stori i Cymru'.  As part of our celebration assembly a 'Seren Yr Wythnos' is awarded to a pupil in each class for their outstanding contribution to Welsh that week.  

The Criw Cymraeg are a pupil voice group that look at opportunities to develop and celebrate the Welsh language. They hold numerous events throughout the year such as celebration days, Caffi Cymru morning, competitions and Eisteddfod.​  

Field trips and visits are also used to support the development of Welsh. Each year, Dosbarth 5 attend the Urdd residential camp at Llangrannog, where they take part in activities and are ​immersed in the Welsh language.  

We are proud to have achieved the Bronze award of the Siarter Iaith and now begin our journey towards the Silver award.