Dosbarth 5
The Class Teacher is Miss Phillips and the Class LSA is Mrs Sherratt.
In Year 5 the learners enjoy a varied curriculum based on topics that the pupils have been involved in choosing and planning. Learning opportunities are planned across the six Areas of Learning Experiences with The Four Core Purposes at the heart of everything. ICT features heavily within the curriculum and the outdoors is used whenever possible to develop the children’s learning.
During their time in Year 5, the children also have the opportunity to attend an activity residential trip to the Urdd Centre in Llangrannog, which helps to support the delivery of the Welsh language and feeling of ‘Cynefin’ that the pupils are exposed to throughout their education at Monkton Priory School.
Physical Education
Dedicated P.E. sessions will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday, please could children wear appropriate clothing as some of these sessions will be outside. Swimming will take place on a Wednesday (on rotation, so learners will be notified when their half term swimming will take place).
Although homework is not mandatory, homework is set when it will provide opportunities for the learners to consolidate concepts and skills that have been taught in school day. This will also provide parents and guardians with an insight as to what their child is learning in school and the progress they are making. All learners have their own IDL Literacy and Numeracy login details and access to HWB , the National Digital Learning Platform which comes with a collection of digital tools and the full Microsoft Office package.
Reading is an essential skill that enables learners to build their vocabulary, improve understanding and enhances creativity in oracy and writing tasks. Reading tasks and opportunities and provided throughout the day in a variety of different ways, including individual reading, reciprocal reading, Empathy reads and online research/reading tasks. Learners should read every night, even if it is not their school reading book. Learners can also access their online IDL account to further support reading, comprehension and spelling.
Times Tables
Learners will participate in the 110 club weekly and they will bring a copy of their current club home to help improve their fluency. In addition, learners can access to 'J2 Blast' on HWB and IDL Numeracy to support. Quick recall of times tables facts will support learning across the curriculum in a wide variety of tasks.