Y Senedd

As a school we pay high emphasis on pupil voice. Each year we hold elections to vote for members of the School Senedd. Learners deliver a presentation to their peers to showcase why they would be best placed to represent their class. As a result of this, two School Ambassadors and fourteen School Councillors are chosen.

The Criw Cymraeg work closely with the Welsh Lead to enable progress, ensure the use of the Welsh language is vibrant in and outside of the classroom and celebrate by organising exciting school events.

The Eco Committee are responsible for recycling, looking at sustainable ways forward for the school and organising events in the community.

The Health and Safety Team are made up of members of the School Senedd who sit with the Headteacher, a member of the Governing Body and the Caretaker termly to ensure the school meets requirements around the Health and Safety Policy.

The Digital Ambassadors take part in session with the Digital Lead to help deliver peer tutoring throughout the school. They also ensure that digital resilience is at the forefront of the curriculum by delivering assemblies and ensuring signage is current and on view. 

Yr Senedd