Flying Start

The staff in Flying Start are, Zoe, Donna, Wendy and Fiona. 

We are the children’s first experience of school, it is a big step for both the children and parents/carers. For this reason we ensure that we have a friendly, nurturing and fun environment for your child, setting them up for a smooth transition into Nursery. 

In our classroom we have bright, vibrant colours with many different areas for the children to explore and learn through play, as well as a large outside area. Our areas within the classroom and playground will encourage the children to develop their physical, communication, exploration and well-being skills. 

The day to day running of playgroup is child led, the children have the freedom to explore and chose what they would like to play with inside the classroom and outside in the playground. Throughout the year we ensure that there are a variation of fun and exciting opportunities for the children to enjoy,  allowing them to grow and develop individually. 

On Monday’s we have ‘Muddy Monday’. We ask the children to bring in wellies on wet days, we provide wet weather gear. On these days we may go for a walk, to the Priory Forest to look for mini beasts or simply go and find puddles to splash in. 

We look forward to welcoming your children.